AI Prompts

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Marketing Strategy Generator
Marketing Strategy Generator

Your task is to create a comprehensive marketing strategy for launching a new product or service to a specific target audience. To help you develop this strategy, you have been provided with the following information: <Product/Service Description> {PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION} </Product/Service Description> <Unique Selling Points> {UNIQUE SELLING POINTS} </Unique Selling Points> <Ideal Customer Profile> {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} </Ideal Customer Profile> First, carefully analyze the product/service description and unique selling points. Consider how these align with the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the ideal customer profile. In a <Marketing Analysis> section, discuss the key opportunities and challenges for marketing this product/service to the target audience. Next, in a <Marketing Strategy> section, outline a high-level marketing strategy for launching the product/service. Discuss the key messaging and value proposition you will communicate to the target audience. Identify the most effective marketing channels and tactics to reach and engage this audience, based on their characteristics and behaviors. Then, in a <Marketing Plan> section, provide a step-by-step action plan to execute the marketing strategy. Break this down into specific initiatives and tactics, with timelines and milestones. Consider factors such as: \- Developing marketing collateral and assets \- Launching marketing campaigns across key channels \- Conducting PR and media outreach \- Hosting events or experiences \- Partnering with influencers or other brands \- Measuring and optimizing performance For each tactic, discuss the rationale, expected outcomes, and key performance indicators. Finally, in an <Executive Summary> section at the top, provide a concise overview of the overall marketing strategy and plan. Summarize the key points from the Marketing Analysis, Marketing Strategy, and Marketing Plan sections. Throughout your response, be sure to focus on how the unique aspects of the product/service and needs of the target audience inform the marketing approach. Aim to be comprehensive, but also specific, actionable, and strategic.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
Keyword Research
Keyword Research

Your task is to generate a keyword research report to help optimize a website for search engines and find new content opportunities. Thorough keyword research is essential for informing an effective SEO and content strategy. To generate the report, you will need the following key inputs: <business> {BUSINESS NAME} </business> <product-service> {PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION} </product-service> <customer> {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} </customer> <competitors> {COMPETITORS} </competitors> First, brainstorm an initial list of broad keyword topics and themes that are relevant to the business, its products/services, and target customer. Think about the main customer problems, questions, and goals that the business helps to address. Next, expand each of those broad keywords into a more extensive list of specific, long-tail keyword variations. Consider the different ways people may search for those broader topics. Once you have a comprehensive list of keywords, use a keyword research tool to gather metrics like monthly search volume, keyword difficulty, SERP features, and more. Analyze this data to determine which keywords have the highest potential to drive relevant traffic and rank well. Narrow down the list to focus on the most relevant, high-opportunity keywords. Group them into topical clusters that could form the basis of a content strategy. For each main cluster, provide some ideas on the best content formats to target those keyword themes, like blog posts, product pages, buying guides, etc. Conduct some competitor research to identify gaps and opportunities. Look for valuable keywords the competitors are targeting that the business is missing out on. Also look for areas where the business could create unique content that the competitors don't have. Compile your keyword research insights and recommendations into a report. Include: <report> \- The initial list of broad keyword topics \- The full list of long-tail keyword variations with their metrics \- The narrowed-down list of high-priority keywords to target \- The keyword clusters with content format ideas \- Opportunities from the competitor gap analysis \- Your overall recommendations for next steps </report> Aim to provide a helpful roadmap the business can use to guide their content creation and optimization efforts. The keyword research should empower them to attract more organic search traffic and better serve their target audience.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
Brand Tone of Voice
Brand Tone of Voice

Your task is to define an appropriate and effective brand tone of voice for a business. A brand tone of voice is the distinctive personality and style of communication used consistently across all touchpoints to express a brand's values and character. It involves the choice of words, communication style, and emotional tone that a brand uses when engaging with its audience. Here are the key inputs to consider in defining the brand tone of voice: <business-name> {BUSINESS NAME} </business-name> <product-service-description> {PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION} </product-service-description> <ideal-customer> {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} </ideal-customer> <brand-style> {BRAND STYLE} </brand-style> First, carefully analyze the provided information about the business, its offerings, target customers, and desired brand style. Then brainstorm ideas for the brand tone of voice in a <scratchpad>. Consider what personality and communication style would resonate with the ideal customer profile and align with the brand's values. Think about things like: \- Should the tone be formal or casual? Serious or playful? Enthusiastic or matter-of-fact? \- What kind of vocabulary and phrases fit the brand's personality? \- How can the tone of voice express the unique character of the brand and differentiate it from competitors? \- What emotional sentiment should the brand voice evoke in customers? Jot down a few guiding principles and example phrases in the scratchpad. <scratchpad> </scratchpad> Once you've brainstormed some good ideas, write out the full brand tone of voice definition in <brand-voice> tags. Aim for 2-3 paragraphs describing the key elements of the brand voice, how it embodies the brand's values, and how it should make customers feel. Provide a few examples of the tone of voice in action, showing how the brand might communicate in its distinct style. Remember, the brand voice should be tailored to appeal to the ideal customer profile, using language and a communication style that resonates with them. At the same time, it should express the unique personality of the brand in a way that sets it apart.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
SEO Optimized Articles
SEO Optimized Articles

Your task is to generate an SEO-optimized article on a given topic, incorporating relevant keywords. Here are the key inputs you will use: <topic> {TOPIC} </topic> This is the main topic or title of the article you will be writing about. Ensure that the article stays focused on this central theme. <keywords> {KEYWORDS} </keywords> These are the important keywords that you should incorporate into the article to optimize it for search engines. Try to use these keywords naturally throughout the article, but avoid overusing them or sacrificing readability. Here are the steps to follow: 1\. Research: Begin by researching the {TOPIC} using the provided {KEYWORDS}. Gather relevant information, statistics, and examples to support your article. 2\. Outline: Create an outline for your article, organizing the information you gathered into a logical structure. Include an introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 3\. Write: Write the article, following your outline and incorporating the {KEYWORDS} naturally throughout the text. Ensure that the article is informative, engaging, and easy to read. 4\. Optimize: Optimize the article for SEO by including the {KEYWORDS} in the title, headings, and meta description. Also, use appropriate header tags (H1, H2, etc.) and alt text for images. 5\. Proofread: Proofread and edit your article for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Ensure that the article flows well and is free of errors. When you have completed the article, please provide your response in the following format: <article> [Your SEO-optimized article here] </article> Remember to stay on topic, use the provided keywords naturally, and create an informative and engaging article optimized for search engines.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
30-100 Day Marketing Plan
30-100 Day Marketing Plan

Your task is to generate a {NUMBER OF DAYS}-day marketing plan for {BUSINESS NAME}. Here are some key details about the business and its marketing goals: <business\_info> Business Name: {BUSINESS NAME} Product/Service Description: {PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION} Ideal Customer Profile: {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} Potential Marketing Channels: {MARKETING CHANNELS} Key Competitors: {COMPETITORS} </business\_info> To create the marketing plan, start by carefully analyzing the provided information about {BUSINESS NAME}, its offerings, target customers, marketing channels, and competitive landscape. Then, in a <brainstorm> section, generate creative ideas and tactics to effectively market {BUSINESS NAME}'s products/services to its ideal customer profile. Consider how to best leverage the potential marketing channels listed. Next, in an <outline> section, create a structured outline of the key components and timeline of the {NUMBER OF DAYS}-day marketing plan. Break it down into high-level phases and initiatives. Finally, in a <marketing\_plan> section, flesh out the full details of the {NUMBER OF DAYS}-day plan you outlined. For each phase and initiative, provide specific, actionable tactics and clearly defined timelines. The plan should be tailored to {BUSINESS NAME}'s unique goals and resources. Throughout the plan, look for opportunities to differentiate {BUSINESS NAME} from its listed competitors. Be creative and ambitious but also realistic in your recommendations. The marketing plan should be a comprehensive roadmap to drive awareness, engagement, and sales for {BUSINESS NAME} over the specified {NUMBER OF DAYS}-day timeframe. Aim to create a thorough, polished plan that {BUSINESS NAME} could feasibly implement.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
Brainstorm Content Ideas
Brainstorm Content Ideas

Your task is to help brainstorm content ideas for a business and organize them into a comprehensive list. Content marketing is an important strategy for businesses to attract and engage their target audience, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales. Here is some key information about the business: <business> Business Name: {BUSINESS NAME} Product/Service Description: {PRODUCT/SERVICE DESCRIPTION} Ideal Customer Profile: {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} Marketing Channels: {MARKETING CHANNELS} </business> First, take some time to brainstorm potential content ideas that would be valuable and relevant for the business's ideal customer profile. Consider the different stages of the customer journey (awareness, consideration, decision) and the various content formats that could be effective (blog posts, videos, infographics, case studies, etc.). <brainstorming> Think about topics, questions, and pain points that the ideal customer might have related to the business's product or service. Jot down any ideas that come to mind, focusing on creating educational, entertaining, or inspiring content that addresses the customer's needs and interests. </brainstorming> Once you have a solid list of ideas, start to organize them into a structured outline. Group similar ideas together into main topics or themes. Consider the most logical flow of information and how each piece of content could build upon or relate to the others. <organization> Arrange your content ideas into a comprehensive list with clear headings and subheadings as needed. Aim to create a mix of content that covers different aspects of the business's offerings and appeals to customers at various stages of the buying process. </organization> When you have finished brainstorming and organizing your ideas, provide the final list of suggested content topics and formats inside <content\_list> tags. For each item, briefly explain how it would be valuable for the target audience and the business goals. Remember, the ultimate aim is to create a content plan that educates, engages, and converts the ideal customer, while also showcasing the unique value proposition and expertise of the business.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
Copywriting Review
Copywriting Review

Your task is to analyze and refine a piece of marketing copy like an expert copywriter would. Here is the marketing copy you will be working with: <marketing\_copy> {MARKETING COPY} </marketing\_copy> This copy is intended to target the following ideal customer profile: <ideal\_customer> {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} </ideal\_customer> The brand's desired tone of voice is: <tone\_of\_voice> {BRAND TONE OF VOICE} </tone\_of\_voice> First, carefully review the provided marketing copy, ideal customer profile, and brand tone of voice. Consider what the copy is doing well and where it could be improved to better appeal to the target audience and align with the brand voice. Write your initial analysis inside <scratchpad> tags before proceeding. Focus on the copy's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for refinement through the lens of the target customer and brand. <scratchpad> </scratchpad> Next, make specific, actionable suggestions on how to improve the marketing copy for the ideal customer while staying true to the brand's tone of voice. Justify and explain the reasoning behind each suggestion. Provide your suggestions inside <suggestions> tags. <suggestions> </suggestions> Now attempt to rewrite the marketing copy implementing the suggestions you laid out above. Try to make the copy as compelling and effective as possible for the defined target audience. Preserve the original intent and key points, but optimize the language, tone, and messaging. Provide your rewrite inside <rewrite> tags. <rewrite> </rewrite> Finally, score the original version of the marketing copy on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the best) based on how effective you think it would be for the ideal customer defined and how well it represents the brand's desired tone of voice. Provide a <justification> for your score. Then do the same for the version you rewrote implementing your suggestions. Original version score: <score></score> <justification></justification> Rewritten version score: <score></score>

ChatGPT Claude Gemini
Transcript to Social Posts
Transcript to Social Posts

Here is the transcript to turn into social media posts: <transcript> {TRANSCRIPT} </transcript> The posts should be targeted to this ideal customer profile: <ideal\_customer> {IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE} </ideal\_customer> The posts should align with this brand tone of voice: <brand\_voice> {BRAND TONE OF VOICE} </brand\_voice> The posts will be published on these marketing channels: <channels> {MARKETING CHANNELS} </channels> First, carefully read through the transcript. Take notes on the key insights, interesting quotes, and important topics covered that would be most relevant and engaging to the ideal customer. Write these notes inside <insights> tags. Next, review the brand tone of voice guidelines and the target marketing channels. Brainstorm ideas for social media posts based on the insights you identified that align with the brand voice and are optimized for the channels. Write the post ideas inside <post\_ideas> tags. Then draft the social media posts, incorporating the best quotes and insights. Follow social media best practices for the target channels, such as optimal character counts, hashtags, and visual formatting. Ensure the posts align with the brand tone of voice. Write the post drafts inside <post\_drafts> tags. Finally, review and refine the drafts into polished, channel-ready social media posts. Aim to make the posts as engaging, relevant and on-brand as possible for the target audience and channels. Write the final recommended posts inside <final\_posts> tags.

ChatGPT Claude Gemini