AgriFORCE Growing Systems (AGRIW) Dividends
Price: $0.0046
Market Cap: $69.23K
Avg Volume: -
Market Cap: $69.23K
Avg Volume: -
Country: CA
Industry: Agricultural Farm Products
Sector: Consumer Defensive
Industry: Agricultural Farm Products
Sector: Consumer Defensive
Dividend Overview
AgriFORCE Growing Systems (AGRIW) does not currently pay a dividend to its shareholders.
Frequently Asked Questions
AgriFORCE Growing Systems currently pays an annual dividend of $0 per share. This means that for each share you own, you'll receive $0 in dividends over the course of a year, typically paid in quarterly installments of $ per share.
AgriFORCE Growing Systems's current dividend yield is 0.00%. This means that if you invest $100 in AgriFORCE Growing Systems's stock at the current price, you can expect to receive approximately $0.00 in annual dividend income. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend by the current stock price.
The most recent ex-dividend date for AgriFORCE Growing Systems was N/A. Ex-dividend dates are typically announced in advance of each dividend payment. If you purchase the stock before the ex-dividend date, you'll be eligible for the upcoming dividend payment. It's advisable to check AgriFORCE Growing Systems's investor relations page or financial news sources for the next ex-dividend date announcement.
AgriFORCE Growing Systems's dividend payout ratio is currently 0.00%. This means that the company is distributing 0.00% of its earnings to shareholders as dividends, while retaining the rest for reinvestment, debt reduction, or other corporate purposes. A lower payout ratio suggests that the company has more room to increase dividends in the future or to withstand temporary declines in earnings without cutting the dividend.
In the last fiscal year, AgriFORCE Growing Systems paid a total of $- in dividends to its shareholders. To put this in perspective, the company's annual revenue was $-, and its net income was $-. This means that AgriFORCE Growing Systems distributed - of its revenue and - of its net income as dividends, demonstrating a balance between returning value to shareholders and reinvesting in the business.
Compared to the previous year, AgriFORCE Growing Systems's dividend has grown by 0.00%. This growth rate provides insight into the company's dividend policy and financial health over the past year. A positive growth rate can be a sign of the company's confidence in its future earnings and commitment to returning value to shareholders.