How Does Franco-Nevada (FNV) Make Money?

Price: $155.83
Market Cap: $30.01B
Avg Volume: 723.73K
Country: CA
Industry: Gold
Sector: Basic Materials
Beta: 0.655
52W Range: $112.7-156.82
Website: Franco-Nevada

Revenue Breakdown Overview

Franco-Nevada generates revenue through various business segments and geographic regions. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of how the company makes money:

Product & Service Revenue Segments

Franco-Nevada's revenue comes from the following main product/service categories (Total Revenue: $2.63B):

  • Platinum Group Metals Commodity: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Gas: $150.90M (5.7% of total)
  • Platinum-group metals: $56.70M (2.2% of total)
  • Other Minerals Commodity: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Mining: $982.10M (37.3% of total)
  • Oil: $156.00M (5.9% of total)
  • Energy: $333.60M (12.7% of total)
  • Gold: $723.10M (27.5% of total)
  • Other mining commodities: $6.90M (0.3% of total)
  • Natural gas liquids: $26.70M (1.0% of total)
  • Gold Commodity: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Silver Commodity: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Iron Ore: $55.50M (2.1% of total)
  • Diversified: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Silver: $139.90M (5.3% of total)

Geographic Revenue Distribution

The company's revenue is distributed across these geographic regions (Total Revenue: $1.32B):

  • P: $- (0.0% of total)
  • C: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Peru: $186.00M (14.1% of total)
  • Rest of World: $122.50M (9.3% of total)
  • Other Latin American Countries Excluding Peru And Chile And Panama: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Canada: $205.90M (15.6% of total)
  • United States: $327.50M (24.9% of total)
  • Chile: $128.80M (9.8% of total)
  • Rest Of World Excluding United States And Canada And Latin Americas: $- (0.0% of total)
  • U: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Brazil: $40.70M (3.1% of total)
  • Other: $81.00M (6.2% of total)
  • Country Of Domicile: $- (0.0% of total)
  • Panama: $223.30M (17.0% of total)

Revenue by Product Segment (2022)

Platinum Group Metals Commodity: $0.00 (0.0%)
Gas: $150.90M (5.7%)
Platinum-group metals: $56.70M (2.2%)
Other Minerals Commodity: $0.00 (0.0%)
Mining: $982.10M (37.3%)
Oil: $156.00M (5.9%)
Energy: $333.60M (12.7%)
Gold: $723.10M (27.5%)
Other mining commodities: $6.90M (0.3%)
Natural gas liquids: $26.70M (1.0%)
Gold Commodity: $0.00 (0.0%)
Silver Commodity: $0.00 (0.0%)
Iron Ore: $55.50M (2.1%)
Diversified: $0.00 (0.0%)
Silver: $139.90M (5.3%)
Gas $150.90MMining $982.10MOil $156.00MEnergy $333.60MGold $723.10MSilver $139.90M

Revenue by Geographic Region (2022)

P: $0.00 (0.0%)
C: $0.00 (0.0%)
Peru: $186.00M (14.1%)
Rest of World: $122.50M (9.3%)
Other Latin American Countries Excluding Peru And Chile And Panama: $0.00 (0.0%)
Canada: $205.90M (15.6%)
United States: $327.50M (24.9%)
Chile: $128.80M (9.8%)
Rest Of World Excluding United States And Canada And Latin Americas: $0.00 (0.0%)
U: $0.00 (0.0%)
Brazil: $40.70M (3.1%)
Other: $81.00M (6.2%)
Country Of Domicile: $0.00 (0.0%)
Panama: $223.30M (17.0%)
Peru $186.00MRest of World $122.50MCanada $205.90MUnited States $327.50MChile $128.80MBrazil $40.70MOther $81.00MPanama $223.30M

Revenue Segments Over Time

Gold Commodity
Iron Ore
Natural gas liquids
Other Minerals Commodity
Other mining commodities
Platinum Group Metals Commodity
Platinum-group metals
Silver Commodity

Historical Revenue by Product Segment

Year Total Revenue Diversified Energy Gas Gold Gold Commodity Iron Ore Mining Natural gas liquids Oil Other Minerals Commodity Other mining commodities Platinum Group Metals Commodity Platinum-group metals Silver Silver Commodity
2022 $1.32B $- $333.60M $150.90M $723.10M $- $55.50M $982.10M $26.70M $156.00M $- $6.90M $- $56.70M $139.90M $-
2021 $1.30B $209.50M $- $79.80M $750.60M $- $89.60M $1.09B $21.60M $108.10M $- $5.20M $- $72.40M $172.70M $-
2020 $1.02B $- $91.70M $- $- $718.10M $- $928.50M $- $- $17.80M $- $86.20M $- $- $106.40M
2019 $844.10M $- $115.90M $- $- $545.80M $- $728.20M $- $- $23.60M $- $75.60M $- $- $83.20M
2018 $653.20M $- $86.10M $- $- $435.80M $- $- $- $- $14.00M $- $39.10M $- $- $78.20M

Geographic Revenue Over Time

Country Of Domicile
Other Latin American Countries Excluding Peru And Chile And Panama
Rest Of World Excluding United States And Canada And Latin Americas
Rest of World
United States

Historical Revenue by Geographic Region

Year Total Revenue Brazil C Canada Chile Country Of Domicile Other Other Latin American Countries Excluding Peru And Chile And Panama P Panama Peru Rest Of World Excluding United States And Canada And Latin Americas Rest of World U United States
2022 $1.32B $40.70M $- $205.90M $128.80M $- $81.00M $- $- $223.30M $186.00M $- $122.50M $- $327.50M
2021 $1.30B $59.40M $- $186.90M $116.50M $- $90.10M $- $- $235.00M $228.20M $- $113.60M $- $270.30M
2020 $1.02B $- $106.80M $- $- $196.90M $- $84.40M $175.50M $- $- $142.60M $- $178.60M $-
2019 $844.10M $- $103.10M $- $- $166.20M $- $56.10M $145.30M $- $- $142.10M $- $166.60M $-
2018 $653.20M $- $70.50M $- $- $122.60M $- $- $148.60M $- $- $125.10M $- $137.20M $-
2017 $675.00M $- $123.30M $- $- $125.50M $- $- $153.10M $- $- $- $- $100.20M $-

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