Saab AB (publ) (SAAB-B.ST) Market Cap

Price: $380.05
Market Cap: $200.26B
Avg Volume: 3.69M
Country: SE
Industry: Aerospace & Defense
Sector: Industrials
Beta: 0.393
52W Range: $203.7-417.15
Website: Saab AB (publ)

Market Cap Overview

Market Cap


Share Price


Shares Outstanding


What is Saab AB (publ)'s Market Cap?

Saab AB (publ)'s current Market Cap as of today is $200.26B.

Understanding Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization (Market Cap) is the total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock. It is calculated by multiplying the current market price of one share by the total number of outstanding shares.

  • It provides a straightforward method of gauging a company's size.
  • Market Cap can be used to compare companies within the same industry.

How is Market Cap calculated?

Market Cap is calculated by multiplying the current share price by the total number of outstanding shares:

Market Cap = Current Share Price × Total Shares Outstanding

In the case of Saab AB (publ), the market cap is calculated as $380.05 x 526.93M shares = $200.26B.

As a Mega Cap company, Saab AB (publ) is among the largest companies in the world.

Saab AB (publ) Historical Market Cap

$250.00B$250.00B$200.00B$200.00B$150.00B$150.00B$100.00B$100.00B$50.00B$50.00B$0.00$0.00Market CapJul '20Jul '2020212021Jul '21Jul '2120222022Jul '22Jul '2220232023Jul '23Jul '2320242024Jul '24Jul '2420252025
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Saab AB (publ) Market Cap vs Enterprise Value

Understanding Market Cap vs. Enterprise Value

While market cap represents the equity value of Saab AB (publ), enterprise value provides a more complete picture of the company's total value by including debt and cash:

Market Cap
Enterprise Value
$160.00B$160.00B$120.00B$120.00B$80.00B$80.00B$40.00B$40.00B$0.00$0.00ValueJul '20Jul '2020212021Jul '21Jul '2120222022Jul '22Jul '2220232023Jul '23Jul '2320242024Jul '24Jul '2420252025
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Enterprise Value = Market Cap + Total Debt - Cash and Equivalents

Saab AB (publ)'s enterprise value as of December 31, 2024 (Q4 2024) is calculated as:

  • Market Cap: $200.26B
  • Total Debt: $10.38B
  • Cash and Equivalents: $2.84B
  • Enterprise Value: $132.54B

The difference between market cap and enterprise value can indicate the company's financial leverage and cash position. A lower enterprise value indicates a strong net cash position.

Saab AB (publ) Annual Market Cap History

Year Market Cap Change
2025 $200.26B 60.34%
2024 $124.90B 52.24%
2023 $82.04B 49.34%
2022 $54.94B 78.96%
2021 $30.70B -4.32%
2020 $32.09B -23.64%
2019 $42.02B 16.70%
2018 $36.01B -15.84%
2017 $42.78B 27.31%
2016 $33.61B 31.05%
2015 $25.64B 28.34%
2014 $19.98B 14.94%
2013 $17.38B 26.34%
2012 $13.76B -7.86%
2011 $14.93B 15.52%
2010 $12.93B 3.13%
2009 $12.53B 63.28%
2008 $7.68B -45.29%
2007 $14.03B -34.48%
2006 $21.42B 24.96%
2005 $17.14B 48.31%
2004 $11.56B -0.47%
2003 $11.61B 13.55%
2002 $10.22B N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

Saab AB (publ)'s current market capitalization is $200.26B. This makes it a Mega Cap company, calculated by multiplying its current stock price of $380.05 by 526.93M outstanding shares.

Saab AB (publ)'s enterprise value is $132.54B. This is calculated by adding total debt ($10.38B) to market cap and subtracting cash and equivalents ($2.84B). Enterprise value provides a more complete picture of the company's total value by considering both its debt and cash positions.

Saab AB (publ) has 526.93M shares outstanding. This number represents the total number of shares currently held by all shareholders, including company insiders, institutional investors, and the public.

Saab AB (publ) is classified as a Mega Cap company. Mega-cap companies are the largest publicly traded companies with market caps exceeding $200 billion.

Saab AB (publ)'s market cap is calculated by multiplying its current stock price ($380.05) by its total number of outstanding shares (526.93M). This calculation represents the total market value of all the company's outstanding shares at the current market price.

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